ESC’s users testimonials
When time is so precious, such an app is life saving!!! It helps us to organize ourselves in real time, keep track of training and matches, streamlining all processes. This is the future, and we, at CSM Bucharest, embrace change when it adds value to our efforts to perform! And the technical support team is always a phone call away! Highly recommend 👏

As an Expert Sport Club application user, I would like to express how pleased I am regarding this innovative platform. This app has simplified the entire planning of youth teams and offered customized solutions for each individual, methodical and extremely easy to use! I recommend it.

The platform is very helpful in managing everything related to our club.

I use this platform to organize a club with 700 athletes!
I strongly recommend, it’s super useful and has non-stop support.

Fabrica de Campioni uses the Expert Sport Club platform.
It’s a friendly platform that is so necessary these days. Beyond digitization, it makes the administration of a club easier, closer to athletes and parents, but also more transparent.
I must highlight the professionalism and advice provided throughout the implementation.
Good luck!

We have been using this app since it came out and now we have become addicted to it. We recommend it to all clubs in any sport!

A very good choice for club management. You have a much clearer record of receipts, training attendance and competitions/training. The even more interesting part is that we constantly receive messages with improvements to the platform, and the technical team helps you very quickly with any problem you encounter. In addition, it is open to feedback and takes into account your suggestions for improvement. I use it for a club with over 130 athletes. Congratulations ESC!

Academica Transilvania team expresses its gratitude towards the Expert Sport Club platform, an exceptional collaboration that brings significant benefits in sports development. Through this innovative platform, we ensure that training and performance analysis are optimized, helping to increase the sporting performance of our players. The joint efforts between our team and Expert Sport Club mark an essential stage in the academic and sporting progress of our club.

Optimum Alba Iulia Football Academy has been using the ESC app for about 1 year and 3 months. A great help in taking decisions, where we focus on training attendance and evaluation, expense records, organizing tournaments, friendlies or official matches. Starting from December, we also switch to the online registration of athletes, we thank the ESC team for the help provided and the quick and efficient responses in the implementation of the ESC application within the club. I highly recommend the use of this application to clubs in Alba County and beyond.

We are a small club, for now, but the ESC platform is a perfect tool for us. We have been waiting for such an application for some time and we are glad to be among its first users. We recommend all clubs to use it and they won’t regret it!!